When it comes to tea- our specialty is variety and quality.
Did you know that tea is the fastest growing hot beverage category? On any given day, more than 127 million Americans are drinking tea! It’s the most widely consumed beverage in the world next to water, and is found in almost 80% of all U.S. households. We’re your source for a wide variety of only the finest high-grade loose leaf teas, tea pyramids, and herbal infusions to help you capitalize on this growing trend. Gourmet tea is also leading the health & wellness drive. High in antioxidants, tea is inherently healthful and its increasing popularity is largely fueled by changing lifestyles –people are making healthier food and drink purchases.
What makes our tea so special?
Leaf appearence and the physical characteristics of the tea are important indicators of quality. We specialize in sourcing only the finest extra-fancy loose leaf teas and you can really see the difference. Specialty grade loose leaf teas are whole leaf or two leaves and a bud. These higher quality teas can have attractive, clean and balanced characteristics while lower qulaity teas can have less desired, broken, irregular and musty characteristics. Cheaper grades of teas include broken leaves and fannings. Fannings are small bits and pieces of broken tea leaves, usually found in lower qualities of teas and used widely by large commercial flat tea bag companies.
Beyond appearance, we pay special attention to origin, bouquet, body, flavor, and liquor (the color of the tea liquid) when choosing and blending teas. This care and appreciation of tea comes through in the quality of the cup.
We’re your partner – every step of the way.
We’ll work with you from choosing the right teas to complement your business goals to purchasing, blending, packaging, distribution and staff training. We look forward to sharing our passion for great tasting tea and an unsurpassed level of service is our promise to you.
Looking for a branded solution? We can help you build your own private label brand or help you leverage one of our family of brands to build a tea program that’s right for you.
Build Your Own Private Label Brand | Our Family of Brands |
Bottom line – our tea is TEArrific (sorry, we had to add that one last wordplay for good measure).